Healing Rank 2

Healing Rank 2
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 2 / 6
Prereqs: Healing Rank 1, 25 Power Points, level 3
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant


Rank 2:

Spell Verbal: I Draw Upon the Earth to

  • …Purify Blood.        2 Power Points      Instant.
    • This spell will undo the effects of most poisons and alchemical items the character is currently affected by, including intoxication. All applicable poisons or alchemical items are removed with one application of this spell


  • Assess Your Ailment        4 Power Point        Instant
    • By means of this spell, the caster can assess a characters condition revealing more than a Detect Life spell. This spell will reveal: if the character is alive, what stage in their Death Count they are at, how many Body Points they are down, if they are poisoned, diseased, and if they are waylaid. It will also reveal how much time has elapsed in the characters Death Count. This spell will also reveal any additional parasitic or symbiotic life forms inhabiting the character. This spell will not reveal more specific information such as what kind of poison or disease is affecting the character.
    • For example, Pierre has been paralyzed by some ghouls and is currently Bleeding to Death. Additionally, while he was laying there, a necromancer cast a Cause Disease spell upon him. Nimue casts an Assess Your Ailment spell upon him. Pierre responds by telling Nimue, “I am Bleeding to Death for 30 seconds, poisoned, diseased and down 9 Body Points.” Nimue begins to cast the necessary healing spells to restore Pierre.


  • …Heal This Body.        4 Power Points      Instant.
    • This spell will cure most diseases, including the one caused by the Cause Disease and Plague spells. It will also undo the effects of a Paralysis or Weaken spell.
    • Heal Body has only one effect each time it is cast; you cannot both cure someone of a disease and paralysis with a single use of the spell.


  • Heal This Mind        4 Power Point        Instant
    • This spell will undo the effects of an Enfeeble spell. It may also cure insanity, amnesia, and possession; a Plot Marshal will determine whether the Heal Mind is successful.
    • This spell will also cure the affects of fear, but the caster must be out of Line of Sight with the source of the fear affect before they can cast it on themselves. This spell has no affect on the Hypnosis skill, any Charm School spell, Rage skill, or charm like effect.
    • Heal Mind has only one effect each time it is cast; you cannot both cure someone of amnesia and of an Enfeeble with a single use of the spell.

Healing Rank 1
Healing Rank 3
Healing Rank 4

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